Tomorrow Night: Rooftop Solar Meeting!

Just a very quick email to remind you about tomorrow night’s Community Night event: We’re very excited to talk to you about rooftop solar, its tremendous growth and the forces that are threatening to derail this amazing new technology just as it’s really taking off in Utah.

Please see below for more details, but we’d love to see you 7 pm tomorrow (Thurs.) on the fourth floor of the Main Library on 400 South in Salt Lake.

You know what we haven’t done in too long: Hold a Community Night!

It’s time for one of our weeknight gatherings — and we need to tellan issue that’s growing hotter by the day that we need to talk to you all about.

And that’s rooftop solar — and the many attacks on the scourge of clean energy that’s threatening, well, to get downright popular in Utah.

Talking about solar panels in Utah is a classic good news, bad news scenario: On one hand, it’s really starting to take off, as you’ve probably noticed from the gleaming panels popping up around your neighborhood. On the other, an array of powerful interests  — utilities and some State Legislators — are pushing policies that could squash solar just as it’s gaining momentum.

Before I tell you more, here’s are additional details on our upcoming Community Night, which is tomorrow at the Main Library in Salt Lake:

What? HEAL Community Night: Defending Rooftop Solar
When? Thurs. 10/6 at 7 p.m.
Where? Fourth Floor meeting room, Salt Lake City Public Library 210 E 400 S, Salt Lake City, Utah 84111

At Community Nights, HEAL staff and a guest give a presentation on one of our campaigns, followed by a Q&A. They’re interesting, informative and informal. Join us! It’s great chance to dive deeper into an issue and meet the HEAL staff and your fellow supporters.

If you think you can make it, please RSVP here so we know how many folks to expect. Also, if you want to invite friends or family, please forward this email or use our Facebook event page.

OK, here’s more detail about a few upcoming rooftop solar battles we’ll tell you about during Community Night:

* A bid from the State Legislature to do away with a state tax credit that has played a big role in spurring the spread of a rooftop solar in Utah. “Income Tax Credit Modifications,” from Ogden Representative Jeremy Peterson would cut the $2,000 tax credit which Utah families currently receive by 25 percent each year, before disappearing entirely within five years. It also puts a hard cap on how much can be awarded, such that many families who install solar starting in 2017 would get nothing.

* The Provo City Council is studying whether to increase the cost of rooftop solar for Provo Energy customers. These fees on net metering customer are similar to what Rocky Mountain Power has been proposing the past few years. Some Provo leaders claim that its rooftop solar customers are a big burden on ratepayers — even though the fewer than 200 families that have installed solar are less than one-half of one percent of all Provo Energy customers.

* We’ll also update you about Rocky Mountain Power’s plans to return to state regulators seeking its own set of solar fees. Just as in Provo, these fees would make solar much less affordable to Utah families. Shouldn’t we be supporting the growth of clean energy — not fighting it off?

Solar is a critical issue facing Utah right now. Decisions we make in the coming year or two will have profound effect on our clean energy future. To find out more, please come join us in two weeks! (RSVP here.)


Matt Pacenza
HEAL Utah Executive Director

P.S. HEAL Hiring!
We’re looking for great candidates for a part time, temporary Clean Air Grassroots Organizer position. Click Here for More Info