
Utah Organizations Unite to Celebrate Latino Contributions to Environmental Protection During Latino Conservation Week

In honor of Latino Conservation Week, Utah organizations are coming together to celebrate the significant contributions of Latinos to environmental protection. The week-long celebration, which begins on July 15th and ends on July 23rd, is an opportunity to highlight the unique and critical role that Latinos play in preserving the environment.

CLOSED: Voice your concerns regarding a proposed mine in Parleys Canyon.

The proposed Parleys Canyon Mine in Utah is a ticking time bomb for our air and water quality, wildlife habitat, and recreational activities in the area. The fine particles created by the mine can cause fear and worry for resident’s health and environmental impacts! Not to mentionUtah has limited regulation of fugitive dust polluters and there are no real consequences when they break the rules. We MUST fight this and join forces to protect our air, water, wildlife, and recreation for generations to come.


The Utah Division of Air Quality has shared a preliminary version of their state implementation plan to restrict harmful substances in outdoor air in compliance with the Clean Air Act. However, the current plan to reduce ozone in the airshed is not effective enough and puts the health of residents at risk. Fill out this action alert to urge the Division of Air Quality to strengthen its plan.

Understanding Utah’s Air Quality: The Impact of Ozone Pollution

Did you know Utah experiences air pollution in both summer and winter? Winter air quality in the northern valleys is among the worst in the nation. In summer, ozone pollution is especially hurting air quality, causing all kinds of health issues such as difficulty breathing, chest discomfort, headaches, and coughing, not to mention long-term issues such as chronic respiratory illness and increased risk of infection. If you’re in Utah, read our latest blog post to learn more about this invisible pollution, precautions you can take, and how to take action.

STATEMENT:HEAL Utah Encourages PacifiCorp to Commit to Halting Coal-Fired Units in Utah but Cautions Direction Towards Nuclear Energy

SALT LAKE CITY – Today, PacifiCorp filed its preliminary 2023 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP), which includes its commitment to closing two coal-fired power plants in Utah. HEAL Utah’s Executive Director, Lexi Tuddenham releases the following statement regarding this issue.