Op-ed: Watering down building codes harms Utahns’ health and wealth

Tara Rollins and Ashley Ann Soltysiak
The Salt Lake Tribune
February 13, 2016

In the past nine years, advances in technology have made our everyday lives safer, healthier and more efficient. Just think: iPhones, car backup cameras and digital TV transmission are just some of the innovations introduced during that time.

So it’s hard to believe that in the past nine years, Utah’s building codes have not been significantly updated to make our homes safer, healthier or more energy-efficient.

But now, Utah lawmakers have an important opportunity to bring our homes up to date. Several bills, including House Bill 121 from Rep. Becky Edwards, R-North Salt Lake, propose to bring our building codes up to 2015 standards. It contains measures to significantly reduce air pollution and even save homeowners money — the ultimate win-win situation. ..

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