Meet the new HEAL Utah Staff!

Not Lunch!

But breakfast: 
More info here »

Good morning on another gorgeous spring day. Among my favorite emails to write are the ones where I introduce you all to the newest members of the HEAL Utah family!

We’ve been very fortunate over the past year or two (thanks in significant part to contributions from folks like you!) to increase our budget so we can hire new staff.

I’m going to tell you all about Noah and Jessica below, but before I do, let me remind you to please consider attending our 14th Annual Spring Breakfast. It’s coming up one week from today and we have seats available for you to join your fellow HEAL supporters for a delicious breakfast. Not only will there be grub, but you’ll hear a special talk from former EPA regional chief Shaun McGrath about how the Trump Administration’s proposed air and climate policies jeopardize Utah.

If you do not have a ticket already, please click here for all the details and to get your ticket now before they sell out!

OK, on to our new staff:

First, I’m delighted to tell you about Noah Miterko, our new(ish) Grassroots Organizer. Here at HEAL, we are always trying to think of creative ways to involve our supporters – you! –  in our work fighting for public health and the environment

Our outreach includes creating action alerts, hosting education events, and inviting citizens to lobby at the capital – and much, much more. We are super excited that bringing Noah on this spring is allowing us to do even more to help Utahns get directly involved in these issues.

Noah is a Colorado native who loves outdoor sports and the Denver Broncos. He has a BA from Western State Colorado University and his Master’s in Public Administration from the University of Utah. Prior to joining HEAL, he has worked in political campaigns, fundraising and field organizing. He’s a charming young man who is very passionate about HEAL’s work. If you haven’t met him already, you’ll sure like him when you do. (You know when a great time to meet Noah would be? The Spring Breakfast!)

Our second new hire is Policy Associate Jessica Reimer. Jessica has been hired as our third policy staffer, joining Ashley and Michael. That means she’ll be doing the nitty-gritty, wonky work of identifying and championing bold and innovative policy solutions to clean up our air and help foster a more rapid transition to clean energy — in Utah’s political environment. Easy gig!

Jessica is a Salt Lake City native who earned a BS from Santa Clara University and an MS in Ecology from Oregon State University, while doing field work in Costa Rica, Australia, and Mexico. She now returns home to put her knowledge of environmental policy and science to work. She just started a couple weeks ago, but we can tell you already that she’s sharp as heck and we’re really excited to have her on staff.

Oh, and you’ll never guess where you can meet Jessie! THE HEAL UTAH SPRING BREAKFAST ONE WEEK FROM TODAY.


Matt Pacenza

HEAL Utah Executive Director and Talent Acquisition Specialist

P.S. Want to win two tickets to the breakfast? It’s simple and fun. All you have to do is:

  • Share an image and statement about why you love Utah’s environment on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram
  • Tag @healutah and #springbreakfast17
  • Do this by noon this coming Monday, May 15.

We will randomly pick the lucky winner by Tuesday May 16. That person and a guest will not only attend the breakfast for free, but will be gifted some HEAL merch as a thank you for their support!