Out in the Community or from Your Couch: Ways to Help HEAL

Out in the Community or from Your Couch: Ways to Help HEAL

Are you looking for ways to be directly engaged in local environmental advocacy? Do you want to make a tangible difference in air quality, climate change, or hazardous waste that will directly impact you and your friends and neighbors? If so, you’ve come to the right blog post!

Depending on how you’re feeling, there’s a way to get involved (be sure to keep reading to learn how to snag two fall party tickets):


Feeling antsy? Join us in the community!


We have a small staff and can’t be everywhere at once (unfortunately) but our volunteers make it feel like we are! As a volunteer you can help educate your community about our issues by tabling at farmers’ markets, street fairs and other events, assist at our fundraising parties to assure they run smoothly, spend time with us in the office phone banking to activate even more supporters. You can even volunteer to lobby at the Capitol with us and speak directly to legislators (or simply be in the room with us if that’s more your style) about the bills you care about the most.

No matter what you’re interested in, we can always use your help!

Sign up to volunteer here

Come to events

Our events throughout the year range from community nights where we dive deep into one of our campaign issues to citizen lobby trainings where we empower supporters to take on the Capitol to our annual spring breakfast and fall party where we fundraise and get to kick-back with other HEAL supporters.

These events will not only equip you with the knowledge and tools necessary to tackle the biggest environmental threats to our health, but they also provide an opportunity to meet and mingle with folks who are just as curious and passionate as you are.

Make sure you’re getting our monthly emails to stay in the loop with what we have coming up!

Get our emails


Feeling cozy? Support us from home!

BECOME A Sustainer

Being a monthly sustainer means that every month, you show your commitment to making Utah a better place. By giving $10, $25, or even $100 a month, you ensure that we can keep pushing positive environmental health policies forward and empowering others to do the same.

Did you know that this October we are offering a special perk to those who sign up to be a sustainer? Oh yes!

If you sign up at $10 per month or more this month, you get two tickets to our fall party. If you’re already a sustainer — thank you! — you can get these tickets too. Please contact Hannah Whitney at hannah@healutah.org to sign up and update your information in our database.

Become a sustainer here (just check the “Make recurring donation” box!)


Are you connected with us on social media yet (@HEALUtah)? While social media is a fantastic way to keep up-to-date with what we’re doing and to help spread the word (please share when we post something that resonates with you!), it’s also a great way to connect with others — including your local lawmakers.

By following your local lawmakers on social media, which can range from your state legislator to your local city or community council, you can see what they’re working on and speak with them directly. Simply tag a lawmakers’ account in your post and you can have your voice appear on their radar in a new way. Plus, if you share our content and tag your legislator, it will be just one more way that our campaigns and message can reach them. Just be sure not to “troll” anyone!

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Questions? Never hesitate to reach out to us!