Celebrating Community Accomplishments During the 2023 Legislative Session.​

This year's climate heroes!

Celebrating Community Accomplishments During the 2023 Legislative Session.

We’ve mentioned Community Lobbying several times in the past few months. Now that the session is officially over, it’s a good time to tell you a little bit more about this program, its impact during this year’s session, and why HEAL thinks it’s so important. 


Our Community Lobbying (formerly known as “Citizen Lobbying”) program started at HEAL’s inception during the 90’s to connect concerned community members to their lawmakers and help them voice their concerns about environmental policies. The program has grown over the years, with over 100 community members lobbying their lawmakers in person and virtually during the 2023 Utah legislative session.

Change occurs when everyone has the opportunity for their voice to be heard.

Your lawmakers want to hear from YOU, their constituents, and it is their job to accurately represent their district’s residents. The more individuals who have the opportunity to advocate for their community, the better represented ALL Utahns will be.


The history of environmental regulation in our country was founded on the efforts of thousands of grassroots advocates using their voices to help write and pass bills to protect their health and environment, and stop the erosion of regulatory protections.

Program details

Community lobbyist talking to state legislature.

Training: Community lobbyists met at Capitol Hill, where we provided training on the legislative process, how to lobby, and important bills the HEAL team covered. Community lobbyists had the opportunity to speak to their lawmakers, tour the capitol and give public comment in committee hearings! 


Lobbying: Lobbying can occur over the phone, via email, on social media, and in person. We provide community lobbyists with the tools and talking points to interface with their legislators to influence how they vote on a bill. New to lobbying? Don’t worry! We are there every step of the way!


Public Comment: Providing public comment about a bill is an excellent opportunity for a community lobbyist to speak to multiple lawmakers at once during a committee hearing. A personal statement, perspective, or story about a potential policy’s impact can determine if a bill passes out of committee. 


Speak with lawmakers: When speaking with your lawmaker, it is important to remember they are people just like you– the only difference is that they ran for office.

Bills that Community Lobbyists Worked on

From advocating for the Great Salt Lake to learning about Radon Testing, our community lobbying training highlighted more than 25 bills. 

Zero Fares

Although the Zero Fare Transit Program did not pass this session, community lobbyists made it known that free public transit was a priority for Utahns! Over 126 individuals reached out to their lawmakers in support of this funding. 

HEAL Utah lobbyist talking with Representative Chew on legislation

Uintah Basin Ozone

Community lobbyists advocated for H.B. 319: Uintah Basin Air Quality Research Project Amendments. This project will play an essential role in helping us better understand the ozone issues impacting the Basin. HEAL community lobbyists spoke to Rep. Chew about the bill, which passed unanimously on both the House and Senate floors! 

Community lobbyist around a table

Radon testing + GSL

Community lobbyists worked with Rep. Bennion on H.B 217 and her Request For Appropriations (RFA) that would Increase Radon Awareness and Testing in Rural Areas. H.B 217 passed this session and will provide grant money for energy and water reductions in Utah public schools and charters, with specific attention to the Great Salt Lake watershed and rural districts.

Notable actions taken this year

Public comments

Ren Griffeth, a fantastic community lobbyist, spoke at several committee hearings. Her knowledge about environmental health impacts and perspective as a Salt lake resident was invaluable. This was her first session lobbying, and we want to thank you for all your work, Ren!

First timers

We had two incredible first-time community lobbyists join us via public transportation, making the trek from Utah County to the state capital not one but four times. These two sisters are excellent examples of what community advocacy looks like. Thank you for joining us, Jocelyn and Lizeth. We can’t wait to see your great work for your community!

2023 Accomplishments

Repeated: Once you attend one of our trainings we promise you will get hooked! At least 18 community lobbyists came back repeatedly to let their legislators know we are paying attention!


First time: We congratulate 37 community lobbyists for trusting us to guide you through your first lobbying. And for many, it was their first time in our State House! We can’t wait to see you exercise your civic right up at the Hill again!

Gave public comment: Nearly ten community lobbyists provided public comment this session, both in-person and virtually!


Spoke with lawmakers: Whether virtually or in person, nearly 200 individuals contacted their lawmakers this year, with about 100 of them joining us up on the hill for our lobby training. 


‘Days on the Hill’ Events: We hosted four ‘Days on the Hill’ events dedicated to drawing awareness to representation on the hill and highlighting voices of Utahns throughout the state. We could not have done it without our amazing interns and dedicated community lobbyists! If you came to our Student Day, Southern Utah Day, Women’s Day, or Rural Utah Day on the Hill event, Thank you!

Thank you!

A huge thank you to every community lobbyist who joined us for this session! Together, we were a voice for the health of our environment and advocates for our communities.  We showed lawmakers that Utahns are passionate about just environmental policy. Although the session is over, HEAL hosts advocacy opportunities and events year-round. To stay up to date, click HERE

You all ABSOLUTELY ROCK and continue to act as a constant inspiration to the HEAL Utah Team! We could only do what we do with you. Thank you!