Meet our October HEALer Highlight, Justin. Read on to get to learn about his experiences with HEAL and get some advice on getting involved! Thanks for all you do Justin!

HEAL: How did you first find HEAL?
Justin: I discovered HEAL while searching for local organizations to donate to during my employer’s annual giving campaign.
HEAL: What type of volunteering have you done with HEAL?
Justin: I’ve done phone banking and tabling. I’m looking forward to getting some lobbying experience next legislative session.
HEAL: What’s been your favorite HEAL event?
Justin: I would say the Summer Street Party because I won a prize from the raffle.
HEAL: What suggestions do you have for people thinking about volunteering?
Justin: Stop thinking and take action. You’ll be provided with everything you need and there is always someone from HEAL available if there is a question you don’t have an answer for.
HEAL: How has your involvement in HEAL impacted other parts of your life (if it has)?
Justin: It’s helped push me out of my comfort zone, provided me with additional confidence in social interactions, and led to additional volunteer opportunities with other environmental organizations.
HEAL: What do you think the most important personal action is to help improve our environment?
Justin: Be mindful and conscious of the impact that our actions and choices have and then try to choose better alternatives if available.
HEAL: What makes a good advocate?
Justin: Communicating to others what you are passionate about.
HEAL: What are your favorite things about living in Utah?
Justin: The winters and access to the mountains.
HEAL: What are you most looking forward to in 2019?
Justin: The cooler weather and snow.