August HEALer Highlight: James

Our August HEALer Highlight is James, who, between waking up at 5 AM to table at an event to staying out until 10 PM to help at events, is a dedicated volunteer who we are honored to highlight this month.

August’s HEALer Highlight: James!

HEAL: How did you first find HEAL? 

James: Tabling event Wheeler Farmer farmers market.

HEAL: What type of volunteering have you done with HEAL? 

James: Several tabling events. Several phone banks.

HEAL: What’s been your favorite HEAL event? 

James: My first meeting at Marmalade  library. So many young informed people. Inspiring!

HEAL: What suggestions do you have for people thinking about volunteering? 

James: Just say YES. Don’t think about it.

HEAL: How has your involvement in HEAL impacted other parts of your life (if it has)? 

James: I am able share informative details with friends, family and coworkers about our Utah environment and the small steps we each can try to take to improve our personal footprint

HEAL: What do you think the most important personal action is to help improve our environment? 

James: Each of us mindfully considering what we can do individually and then each day doing it. In February I asked myself what I can do each day. I choose no idling in my car and water conservancy. I don’t use drive thru for banking, prescriptions or food. I also turn off shower after I soak down, I then lather up and turn on water to rinse off. Went from 15-20 minutes of continual water use per shower  to now 2-3 minutes use. Again, it’s up to the individual.

HEAL: What makes a good advocate? 

James: Mindfulness. Knowing it’s important and just going for it.

HEAL: What are your favorite things about living in Utah? 

James: The seasons – I’m originally from California so the change of seasons.

HEAL: What’s on your Utah bucket list still? 

James: Hiking all the Wasatch front peaks in a spring summer season.

HEAL: What are you most looking forward to in 2019? 

James: Focus on this moment which really is the only one we have!