STATEMENT:HEAL Utah Encourages PacifiCorp to Commit to Halting Coal-Fired Units in Utah but Cautions Direction Towards Nuclear Energy

SALT LAKE CITY – Today, PacifiCorp filed its preliminary 2023 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP), which includes its commitment to closing two coal-fired power plants in Utah. HEAL Utah’s Executive Director, Lexi Tuddenham releases the following statement regarding this issue.

2023 Legislative Recap

On Friday, March 3rd, the 2023 Utah Legislative Session officially ended with a record 1,400 bill requests, 933 bills filled, and 575 bills passed. During these fast-paced 45 days, topics such as healthcare, education, and even updating Utah’s state flag gained special attention from Utahns.

Here is a bit about this year’s interns and their amazing work.

Celebrating Community Accomplishments During the 2023 Legislative Session.​

We’ve mentioned Community Lobbying several times in the past few months. Now that the session is officially over, it’s a good time to tell you a little bit more about this program, its impact during this year’s session, and why HEAL thinks it’s so important.

Here is a bit about this year’s interns and their amazing work.

Meet the interns behind this year’s legislative session.

Every winter, we have the pleasure of welcoming two interns onto our legislative team, who work alongside HEAL Utah staff to support our civic engagement and environmental policy efforts. Our interns collaborate closely and bring new perspectives and ideas to our team. We are grateful for their hard work and thank them for ensuring our legislative efforts run smoothly.

Here is a bit about this year’s interns and their amazing work.


Welcome to the final four days of this year’s legislative session! You may think things will slow down now that we are at the final stretch, but in reality, things are about to move even faster.

Legislators will rush to finalize actions on over 1,300 pieces of legislation in the upcoming days. It is crucial that you continue voicing your concerns and reaching out to your lawmakers as we race to the finish line.

Here is a breakdown of what you can expect during the rest of this week.


Funding for zero-fares has not been identified as a top priority in the Executive Appropriations Committee and without action will not be funded.

We encourage you to reach out to members of the Executive Appropriations Committee and ask them to make a motion to include the “RFA Statewide Zero Fare Transit Pilot Program by Sen. Weiler” as a top priority for funding.