Athlete Summit Resources

I’m grateful you’ve opened this email. By reading this, you’re already taking the next step to be a mover and shaker in your community. Being a leader takes as little or as much time as you’re willing to put in. So, read on for more resources and a recap of our Third Annual Athlete Summit that was hosted last Thursday.

First, a huge shout out to Kiitos for supplying ALL of our beer. And to Mazza and Laziz for the delicious food. SLC Patagonia, thank you for all you do for environmental communities around the state! Without the support from all of your businesses, it’d be much harder to put on such a cool event.

Now, I’ll share a million resources with you – those that we shared on our screen Thursday and more. Take what you like and leave the rest. 

Tour Around the Legislative Website .

Want to know who your legislators are? This website is user-friendly. Surf around and then pick up the phone and call your representative and senator!

Utah Legislative Website »

Write A Letter to the Editor (LTE)

Letters to the editors are used to keep an issue in the news and in the minds of decision-makers. If you’re concerned about an issue, write a letter to the editor and submit it to your local newspaper. They’re short, concise, and issue-driven.

More Info »

Register to Vote!

If you haven’t done so already, please register to vote. It’s one of the easiest things you can do – and it’s your right to vote. Let’s support candidates that are in line with our ideals! 

Register Here »

HEAL’s Bill Tracker

Check out our priority bills and where they’re at!

Bill Tracker »

Join the Clear The Air Challenge!

We’re midway through February and there’s still time to drive down your miles. Join HEAL’s team and we’ll have a pretty kickass party in March!

More Info »

Come to the “Climate and Health Symposium”

Mark your calendar! It’s free and informative. You’re not going to want to miss this!

Register Here »